Archive | April, 2010

The perils of a final year student

3 Apr

Life is not easy.

ETR/ENT 300 is something that needs commitment. Cincai-cincai memang x boleh, ok? It needs constant improvements and adjustments. Believe me, its effing frustrating when your cash flow shows cash deficits for 12 months. You have to readjust your sales forecast and expenses to make it more, well, believable.

Working with 3 different people with different sets of thinking is really a challenge for me. As the CEO of the ‘company’, i’ve to take control of the situation without being too assertive. Being the only guy in the group makes it even harder. Sometimes our discussion session didn’t go too well. When you’ve been in the same class with these people for almost 3 years, you thought that you’ve known them really well. You’ll be surprised that at times, it seems like you didn’t know them at all.

Anyway i found this quote from Marcel Proust rather interesting 🙂

Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.

Class Dinner

3 Apr

Location: D’Terrace (Chismosa, anyone?)
Time: 9.00pm – 11.00pm
Date: 2/4/2010

more pics coming soon 🙂